Craig had a work conference in San Francisco, similar to our Boston Trip we took last year. We decided to make a vacation the weekend after the conference. Julie drove the boys down to stay with Mimi and Papa, met Craig in San Francisco and enjoyed 4 days and 3 nights of it just being the two of us. It was great to get away but we missed our little guys so much. The weather was pretty chilly and rainy but the city is still just as beautiful. It is so much fun to travel with each other and explore with no agenda. Craig did a great job planning dinners and evenings out, including a Cirque du Soleil show. We got to see some great friends from business school and Julie even got to see one of her precious high school girls that moved out to CA a few years ago. We did a horrible job taking pictures but here are a few of the highlights:
The first night Julie got to attend the fancy dinner that was part of the conference
Friday we slept in!!! And made our way to the last closing speaker of the conference. We saw Captain Mark Kelly, astronaut and husband to U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. He was very interesting!
Us in front of the other bridge, Oakland Bay Bridge, it is just as pretty as the Golden Gate.
Friday afternoon we went shopping and enjoyed having no agenda. We moved our bags to a friends apartment, Brian was out of town and graciously let us stay in his place. We were just a few blocks from the San Fransisco Giants AT&T Baseball Park. It was a great location and had some great views.

That night we strolled through China Town and had yummy Chinese food
Saturday, we did some more sleeping in late and we walked a TON! We hung out with some business school friends and then had lunch with Craig's old roommate, Al. We ate at our favorite--Patxi's Chicago Pizza! Sad, no pictures of this joyous occasion. Then, we went to the Ferry Building and met up with sweet Carley, one of Julie's high school girls! Love her and sad that we didn't get any pictures either!
We walked/shopped some more and got stuck in the rain! We enjoyed another yummy meal, Sushi! And then took the subway back home. We were drenched, cold, and ready to sit down.
We dried off and then went back out in the cold rain for the Cirque du Soleil Totem Show. This is probably our fifth time to see one of their shows and we are always amazed at the talent, creativity, and enjoyment!

Thanks, Craig, for making such a fun Date Weekend just for the two of us! You always create such an awesome time whether we are resting, sleeping in, or exploring the town. Thanks for treating me to a wonderful weekend and making it so special...
Now the real thanks goes to our family!!!!! While we were frolicking around the City, Caleb and Davis were well taken care of, well loved, and well entertained. From special quality time with their grandparents, to lunches with Mammy and MeDad, to play dates with with Aunt K10 and Lucy, to playing dress up with the Garcias, to church at Mimi and Papas, to adventures at the park, WOW--the list goes on. They had so much fun and what a vacation they had (not sure if it was a vacation for Mimi and Papa). Thank you so much to Mimi and Papa for giving us this special time and for everyone else that helped to love on our boys while we were gone. We missed them terribly but know this was important for everyone! Here are a few pictures of their vacation!
Davis playing at the Garcias
Caleb dressing up in a batman cape and sword
Caleb in a Prince Charming costume
Christalyn is so great with the babies
The night we drove in to Austin, we did something super special, Caleb had his first "sleepover" sleeping in the same bed with someone else. TJ was so sweet making sure he was okay, didn't roll out of bed, and made sure he didn't get out of bed too early. This was a great first sleepover!
Aunt Jen with Davis
Davis loves to swing
Faith and Christalyn
A cousin picture
Too cute
Lucy is so great with Caleb. She is patient, gentle, kind, and understanding. Caleb had SO much fun playing with Aunt K10 and Lucy. Davis took a great nap and loved spending time with them!
Caleb's favorite activity cutting (love the Halloween lips in his mouth)
Sadly, we have NO pictures of the grandparents! Again, it was such a great vacation for all of us and we really appreciate all those that helped to make it possible and so fun for our boys!