The two words to sum up Caleb this past month are observant and organizer. He can spot a motorcycle, construction truck, garbage truck, fire truck, basketball court, tennis court, balls of any kind, etc from any distance. We will be driving and he will see things that are on billboards, on the other side of the road, or some distance away and gets really excited. We will be on the phone or talking and he knows/responds to the things we say (especially if it is a place he enjoys or a kind of food that he is into). He amazes us with how much his mind is like a little sponge and his vocabulary is increasing leaps and bounds. He is an "organizer" because he will make sure doors/cabinets/drawers are closed, shoes are by the door, toys are put up (for the most part-still working on this), he puts things up that he got out, loves throwing away trash, and doing "chores" around the house for Mommy. It is really cute!
Gatti Town with Mommy and her favorite game DDR (Dance Dance Revolution)
So focused on driving the car
Sweet Gracey turned 3 and had a Fancy Gracey Party!! Cori did an amazing job having a dance party after the kids played dress up, the most precious decorations and yummy food. Grace is teaching Caleb to do the Hokey Pokey.
He is not very interested in dancing but loves Grace's Baby Stroller
Caleb sort of played dress up
Our first trip to the doctor after a nose dive. (As we mentioned in the Memorial Day post) Caleb dove off the couch and landed in a really rough position on the ottoman. This is a picture of his swollen red nose hours after on a way to the doc. He checked out okay, but they did say to try to keep him from hitting that same spot for a week. I knew something was wrong because he normally doesn't cry that much after he gets hurt and he whaled for an hour. Poor guy!
A lunch break with Daddy
On our 7 hour car drive to the ranch we stopped at a great Truck Stop and this is what I found when I came out of the restroom. Our little cowboy playing basketball! He loved that 10 minute stop!
The beginning of June Mimi came in to not only visit but to help watch Caleb during the week leading up to the Auction. We were able to do a few fun things (Arboretum, Zoo, Pool, Play dates) in the crazy heat.
Caleb loved the new exhibit that opened at the Dallas Zoo-Giants of the Savannah
Caleb loves the pool Mimi got him. We are in there a few times a week!

Thanks Mimi for coming in town, spending quality time with us, loving us, and serving us. We love you!
Mason (a friend from MOPS) turned 3 and had a Thomas Birthday Party at Pump It Up Jr (bounce houses).
This was Caleb's first experience at a place like this and he wanted nothing to do with the bounce houses but played with the balls and cars the whole time.
They even tried to get a group picture and Caleb decides to walk across the middle of the group. I guess that truly is a group shot.
This is part of Caleb's big wave he always gives Daddy
Caleb LOVES bubbles!
What another fun month with this little guy! He is the joy of our life!