What a fun month we have had and Caleb is continuing to get such a little personality. (Or big personality, especially when he wants something). We started off Caleb's month with what we thought was an allergy to soy milk (since last month we discovered he is allergic to dairy). But after waiting almost a month to try giving soy milk again, we think it was the start of a glorious stomach bug that Craig and Julie both got a few days later. Fortunately, his was not quite the full-blown bug that ours was (no-pun intended!) So we are a week into giving soy milk and it seems to being going well.

We are so grateful that Craig's parents (Mammy and MeDad) now live in Austin and we get to see them more often. They came to Dallas one weekend and brought a truck load of some of Craig's old things. Caleb loves Daddy's old toys, trucks, cars, bats, hats, and more. Thank you Mammy and MeDad for keeping these for so many years and watching Caleb so we could hang out with our 9th graders at The Draw.
We then had a few weekends of relaxation which was much needed! See below a
few pictures of Caleb's month:
One of Caleb's favorite activities is coloring...Thanks Hudson and Carter for the fun markers and stamps. Caleb will crawl to the closet and reach up for this super fun activity.

And here is the after -effect of the markers. Fortunately, they are washable!!
Caleb also loves to walk, cruise, and scoot around on his toys...

including riding the vacuum (don't worry it was unplugged). He is a magnet to the vacuum. We can't just get it out real quick and vacuum anymore because someone wants to play with it.

While Daddy was raking up the 10 plus huge bags of leaves (and that is just the start). Caleb wanted to join in with some leaf-jumping.

Caleb loves playing outside on the deck, pushing the chairs all around, playing with the water hose, and exploring nature. He did get his first bump/bruise this month. See the below picture taken shortly after the incident. It is hard to see but it is above his right eye!

Other activities Caleb loves is climbing through the coffee table

Playing with Daddy's old hat and toys

Caleb loves being Mommy and Daddy's big helper as he loads and unloads the silverware over and over again.
Caleb pushed this empty orange juice container around for days (until it was trash day) and he really enjoyed its awkward shape, the sounds it made on the floors and walls, and the way he felt so strong lifting it in the air.

This is Caleb's "YEAH, I am proud of myself," "All Done," or "Amen" at the end of a prayer look.

Caleb is such a good, hearty eater but here is a messy picture of Mommy's discovery of pasta sauce-everything goes down great when covered in pasta sauce! MMMMgood!

Other fun things that happened during this month is we visited on of Julie's 9th grade girl's, Erin, at her horse stables and Caleb sat on the horse (he was not a huge fan of Apex's vast size) and we are so sad we don't have a picture of it. But, Caleb loves horsies now and will make the cutes "plththtth" noise when he sees even a picture of a horse. Caleb also will blow kisses by clucking his tongue and will reach for anyone wearing a hat or head wrap. Both Craig and Julie are considered "Dada" to Caleb.