What an exciting time this past year has been - our little guy is one year old! Oh, how our life has changed and continues to change with every new development Caleb has. Not only are we gearing up for the big birthday party next weekend, we have been enjoying the busyness of the "fall." We have begun a music class,Bible Studies, Meetings, Playgroups, MOPS, and Student Ministry is in full swing. Gotta love the fall!

Caleb began to get into the sitting position from his tummy, crawl, pull up, and cruise around the coffee table all in about a weeks time. During that week, he managed to put a dead bug in his mouth, a small piece of paper, every cord in the house, and a few leaves. Needless to say, it was finally time to baby proof our home. It is so fun to see Caleb's little independence come out as he has found his new freedom.

We also went to the urologist for the 6 week post-op appointment and received great news. Everything is looking great for Caleb and he wants to see us in 6 MONTHS!!! Yeah- Praise the Lord!! We will still be giving Caleb miralax and an antibotic to help reduce any possible infections. Thank you all for your prayers and support!

This past month Caleb's cousins came to visit us in Dallas for a quick "Cousin's Camp." All the kids had a ton of fun playing together. We took the 5+ hour drive to Bay City, Texas (southwest of Houston) for Labor Day weekend to celebrate Mimi's birthday and Julie's Aunt and Uncle's 25th wedding anniversary. Caleb put his toes in the sand and ocean water. Maybe next summer we will get to actually swim in the vast ocean.

Mimi's Birthday Sombrero looks good on Caleb too!

First time at the beach!

Julie's cousin, Lisa

Clapping began this month- it is so cute to see Caleb's excitement for life through clapping!

Bye everybody!! (Caleb loves waving- it is like he is in a parade)
here to see more pictures of Caleb's 11th month.