We are back home and Caleb is back to his fun, little personality with all smiles and (even some giggles-something new he is learning.) He is eating all the time and the whole sleep thing we are still working on it (but that is nothing new.) The time Caleb sleeps at night is getting longer but his "naps" during the day are almost non-existent these days- not sure if it is that he is in pain, if his little world has been turned upside down, or if this is just a new stage we all must fight through.
We wanted to capture a few of our emotions from the day. The hardest things about Tuesday was saying bye to him before they wheeled him off to surgery and seeing him coming out of anesthesia very pale and thrashing around- not himself and not a very good picture to remember our sweet son. (The above picture was taken at about 6 pm that evening, just an hour after the surgery was complete- he does not look like himself.) But, every hour that past he was looking much better and by Wednesday morning he was himself again. Caleb even brought back his sweet little purr from when he was just a week old - we think he was in such a deep sleep that he was "snoring." (We are not going to post the video we took at 3:45 am during one of the many times the nurses came in to check on him.)
We go back to the doctor on December 12 to get the tube removed that is currently draining the kidney (which by the way makes for a tough diaper change - 2 diapers means it takes 4 hands to change his diapers or a pretty handy contraption Julie created to make it easier without urine flying everywhere.)
We are still asking for prayers to heal the incision on his side and heal the incision of the base of the kidney and the ureter. The Urologist was able to sew the straight ureter to the base of the kidney, but he feels that there may potentially be a blockage on the other end of the ureter (on the bladder side.) Please pray that the Lord heals this problem so we do not have to go through another surgery again in 6-12 months.
Philippians 4:7 surrounds us during this time, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."